English Diary

I will write a diary on this blog in English as a practice of English output. Please forgive my poor English and I will be glad if you comment on my grammar, word or expression mistakes.

June 8th, 2019 (Saturday)


I have been at my parents' house in Sagamihara city, Kanagawa prefecture since yesterday. I will stay at my parents' house until tomorrow and go back to my home in Kawasaki city tomorrow night.

I went orthodontic in the morning. I go to the orthodontic clinic once a month from last September.

After the orthodontic clinic, I went to Kojima, an electric store to find a charger of MacBook because I left my charger at my home. However, I couldn't find a charger in the store. According to what I checked a charger of MacBook seems to be in Apple store only, but there was no Apple store near that. Therefore, I gave up and went back to my parents' house.

In the evening, I went for a walk with a dog for about 30 minutes. There is a male Shiba Inu that is 7 years old in my parents' house.



Shiba Inu in my parent' house


After the walking, I had a dinner with my brother who is one year younger than me. The dinner menu was sukiyaki, which is Japanese cuisine cooked by simmering beef, tofu, shirataki, porridge, etc. Today's dinner was cooked by my mother and it was very delicious!

At night I watched a TV program "世にも奇妙な物語(Yonimokimyonamonogatari)" which means in English "a strange story in the world" with my father. This is broadcast twice a year recently, one is in spring and the other is in autumn. Furthermore, this is a longevity program that lasts nearly 30 years.

After that I am writing this diary. Well then, see you again tomorrow.





自宅にMacBookの充電器を忘れて来てしまったので、矯正歯科の後にMacBookの充電器を探しに電気屋に行きました。しかし、電気屋には充電器は置いてませんでした。調べたところによると、MacBookの充電器はApple storeにしか置いていないようです。しかし、近くにApple storeがなかったため、諦めて実家に戻りました。











・parents' house:実家、両親の家


・electric store:電気屋


・Shiba Inu:柴犬







(1)英語での日付の書き方は、アメリカ英語では「月→日→年」の順で書き、イギリス英語では「日→月→年」の順で書く。例えば、「2019年6月8日」はアメリカ英語では「6/8/2019」(←カジュアルな書き方)や「June 8th, 2019」(←フォーマルな書き方)などと書き、イギリス英語では「8/6/2019」(←カジュアルな書き方)や「8th June, 2019」(←フォーマルな書き方)などと書く。

(2)「one's home」は名詞であり、「home」は副詞となる。よって「one's home」の場合は「I go back to my home」のように「go back」の後に「to」が付き、「home」の場合は「I go back home」と「go back」の後に「to」は付かない。



■Bad example

①I went a book store. But it was closed.

②I went a book store. And I baught two books.

③The book store was closed. So I went home.

■Good example

①I went a book store, but it was closed.

②I went a book store. However, it was closed.

③I went a book store, and I baught two books.

④I went a book store. Then, I baught two books.

⑤The book store was closed, so I went home.

⑥The book store was closed. Therefore, I went home.